Data are the notes to the collection of facts. [1] Data is the plural of datum, derived from the Latin word meaning "something given". In everyday use the data received by means of a statement as it is. This statement is the result of measurement or observation of a variable that can shape the form of numbers, words, or images.
In science (scientific) facts are collected to be data. The data is then processed so that it can be clearly and precisely phrased so that it can be understood by others who do not directly experience it for yourself, it is called description. Sorting a lot of data according to similarities or differences they contain so-called classification.
The subject of Knowledge Management, data is characterized as something that is raw and lacks context. He was just there and have no significance beyond its existence it meaning. He can come in many forms, regardless of whether he could be utilized or not.
According to other sources, the data can also be defined as follows:
• The English-Indonesian dictionary, data derived from the word datum, which means the facts
• From a business perspective, business data is a description of the organization of things (resources) and events (transactions) that occur
• Understanding others mentioned that the data is a description of an event that we face
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