System comes from the Latin (Systema) and Greek (sustēma) is a unit consisting of components or elements that are linked together to facilitate the flow of information, materials or energy. The term is often used to describe a set of entities that interact, in which a mathematical model can often be made.The system is also the unity of the parts that are interconnected in a region and have items activator, such as the common example. State is a collection of some other entity such as provincial elements that are interconnected to form a country where the act as the driving force of the people residing in the country.The word "system" widely used in everyday conversation, discussion forums and scientific documents. It is used for many things, and in many areas, too, so it means to be diverse. In the most general sense, a system is a collection of objects that have relationships between them.Elements in the systemIn principle, every system always consists of four elements:
Object, which can be a part, element, or variable. He can be physical objects, abstract, or both at once; depending on the nature of the system.
Attribute, which determines the quality or nature of ownership of the system and its object.
Internal relations, among the objects in it.
Environment, where the system resides.
Elements of the systemThere are several elements that make up a system, namely: objectives, inputs, processes, outputs, limit, control and feedback mechanisms and the environment. Here's an explanation of the elements that make up a system:A. PurposeEach system has a goal (Goal), whether only one or maybe a lot. That is the purpose of motivating the drive system. Without a goal, the system becomes undirected and uncontrolled. Of course, the goal of one system with another system that is different.2. InputInput (input) system is everything that goes into the system and further into the material being processed. Input can be any tangible things (physically visible) and invisible. Examples of intangible inputs are raw materials, while an example that is intangible information (such as customer service requests).3. ProcessThe process is part of making a change or transformation of inputs into outputs that are useful and valuable lbih, such as an information and products, but also may be things that are not useful, such as residual or waste disposal. In the chemical plant, the process can be a raw material. At the hospital, the patient can be either surgical activity.4. ExodusOutput (output) is the result of processing. On information systems, the output can be an information, advice, printed reports, and so forth.5. BoundaryThe so-called boundary (boundary) is a system of separation between the system and the area outside the system (environment). Determine the configuration of the system boundary, scope, or the ability of the system. For example, the football team has the rules of the game and the limited ability of the player. The growth of a grocery store purchase is influenced by customers, competitors and limited movement of funds from the bank. Of course the limits of a system can be reduced or modified so that it will change the behavior of the system. For example, by selling shares to the public, a company can reduce keterbasatan funds.6. Control and Feedback MechanismsControl mechanisms (control mechanism) is realized by using feedback (feedback), which quotes the output. This feedback is used to control both the input and process. The aim is to set the system runs according to the purpose.7. EnvironmentEnvironment is everything that is outside the system. Environment can affect the operation of the system can be harmful or beneficial meaning the system itself. Environmental effects must of course be retained and controlled so as not to disrupt the continuity of operation of the system, while still profitable should be maintained, because it will spur on the survival of the system.This type of systemThere are various types of systems by category:
On the basis of openness:
open systems, where outsiders can influence it.
closed system.
On the basis of components:
Physical system, the components of matter and energy.
Non-physical systems or concepts, ideas contained.
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